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Eva Bunnell PhotoOn behalf of the Board of Directors for The Michael Bolton Charities (MBC), I am pleased to welcome you to our newly designed newsletter!

Going forward, our goal through these newsletters is to keep you informed of the impact of your support on the lives of those affected by violence. 

Your support provides the power necessary to make a difference in the most pressing policy matters and innovations in violence prevention – and support for individuals who experience the trauma of violent acts. Your involvement means we grow ever closer to a day when violent behaviors can be eradicated from our landscape.

As a person who experienced a violent childhood, I know in my skin the long-lasting trauma violence can cause.  Equally, I know the critical need for access to proven programs, services and interventions that can help those affected by violence realize safety and a meaningful healing of the emotional and physical consequences. Healing means thriving and thriving means each of us live a quality of life we all deserve and long for.

Since The MBC’s inception in 1993 and before, Michael Bolton has exemplified the important role we can all play in using our voice, our time, and treasure in the effort to end violence in homes and in our communities once and for all. 

Working with him, all of us at The Michael Bolton Charities will continue to make you aware of programs and interventions that exist today, as well as those that come forward in the future which hold real potential to achieve a positive difference in the lives of all who are impacted by violence.  We look forward to continuing our connection with you to realize this most important goal.

With deep gratitude for your ongoing support,
Eva M. Bunnell, Board President